Visit Our Chapters
Founding Chapter
Staten Island, NY
President Emerita/Founder: Rev. Yvonne Stradford
Chapter Assistant: Min. Rhema Dai
Nursing Home Ministry, Finance & Operations: Rev. Graciela Hill
Executive Admin: Rev. Patricia Drayton
Music Worship Director: Min. ToniAnne Martinez
Beholding His Glory
Our earnest desire is to inspire others on a pursuit of intimacy with Jesus. We delight ourselves in the Lord through worship… which fosters an atmosphere of free flowing, pure adoration. As we yield to the move of the Holy Spirit the gifts of the Spirit manifest; prophecy, tongues, word of knowledge (1Corinthians 12: 6-11). Through the agency of prayer and intercession we seek after His heart, His will, and His divine purposes. The Lord has commissioned us according to Isaiah 61:1-3 to preach, heal and deliver. We align ourselves with the five-fold ministry mandate of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Regional Chapters
Fayetteville, NC
Chapter President: Rev. Rhonda Spence
Chapter Assistant: Rev. Esther Reece
In His Presence Healing Waters Flow
His Purpose: Through intercessory prayer, power of Holy Spirit and Word of God to strengthen and equip the body of Christ to live overcoming lives Ephesians 4:12-14
The Gatherings are unto ‘HIM”
He has revealed HIS DESIRE to have intimate fellowship with “His Bride” Song of Solomon 2:16a My beloved is mine and I am His.
We assemble to hear HIS heartbeat, extending to whosoever will, come: praying His kingdom come, His will be done as it is in heaven as we pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on and in His Body and on this earth, praying for nations, restoration of families, for marriages and outpouring on the youth, as the kingdom is being established in us.
Isaiah 61:1-3 applies as we sit at the Masters feet seeking HIM-HIS HEART. Holy Spirit is here to set the captive free, heal the broken hearted, open prison doors, comfort all who mourn because “HIS ANOINTING” AND “PRESENCE” breaks every yoke.
It is not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord of host. Zechariah 4:6b
Fellowship every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00AM
Cumberland Foundation Center
310 Green Street Fayetteville, NC 28301
(Parking and Entrance in rear of building)
REQUIRED; Mask and social distancing until further notice
Weekly Bible Study every Tuesday at 8:30 AM
Call in 1-848-777-1500 Conference ID# 3085598
Murrells Inlet, SC
Chapter President: Rev. Grace Conti
A Heart For The Lord
Come as you are – no requirements other than a heart for the Lord, Jesus Christ. There is no script. No format. Led by Holy Spirit, no meeting is ever the same. A place of respite, fellowship and drawing nearer to the heart of the Father is what we are all about.
Because we serve a God of relationship, our roots grow deep as we continue to fellowship outside the four walls of our meeting place. The light of our laughter and our communion with Him attracts and impacts others wherever we meet (in the community hall or local restaurant). They ask who we are and what we are all about.
By the Grace of God, we are able to share the Gospel of Jesus in our community, helping to break down racial barriers as they witness the love of Jesus in the diverse community of believers amongst us.
You are most welcome to join us in our monthly gatherings.
Orlando, FL
Chapter President: Rev. Madeline Donaldson
Chapter Assistant: Minister Maureen Kiernen
Welcome To Our Fellowship!
It’s not just another meeting. Our spirit joins with His Spirit when we gather together. Truly, when two or more are gathered in His Name, there He is in the midst of us. We’ve come to expect divine encounters as we praise, worship, and wait in His Presence and seek the heart of the Father.
It’s exciting to see Jesus in the face of each one. It’s thrilling to see relationships develop and the opportunity to see the Gifts of the Spirit in operation; prophecy, a word of knowledge – some gifts manifest that we didn’t even know were amongst us. When He is lifted up, He draws us closer and then we become lifted in Him. He is the center of our relationship!
Worship and praising Jesus is our delight. Bible studies, rich fellowship and engaging all who come is a primary focus of our gatherings. Hurting women, their families, and whomever the Father leads us to pray for is the intent of our hearts. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (as “watchmen on the wall”).
Prayer Hosted Every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 6PM
via Phone conference: 681-999-0294 (access code# 389041)
“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”
- Oswald Chambers